Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tell Us survey feedback - Study environment

You said:
Being struck in knowing dedicated students and time wasters. Make the library a more study time by controlling the noise

We said: Learning Resources provides learning environments and resources for the adult University community. Virtually every course of study has an element of group work that requires appropriate space for students to work together. Each student of the University has their own learning style. This style may change as an individual progresses through academia or according to the assignment in hand. Some people like to work in noisy environments. Some people need to talk as part of their learning style. As a University of adults self-monitoring is a part of that progression. One person's idea of quiet or silent is quite different to another. Setting a standard of behaviour when applied across 200 individuals the environment is not going to be quiet. 
We are able to offer Silent Study floors: levels 2 & 3 of Luton's LRC are designated Silent Study floors at the request of the student population. Provision is made for group and social learning elsewhere in the LRC so there is an expectation for students to choose their preferred study environment and abide by the requirements. The Silent floors are monitored electronically and this is backed up by staff patrols - during staffed hours. Any student caught breaking the Silence requirement is allowed one warning after that Library sanctions come into effect.