Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Tell Us survey feedback - ejournals

You said:
Increase the number of journals and provide help and suppory on ABC rankings journals
Because I have found most of the resources I look for but not all

We said: Thank you for raising your concerns. University of Bedfordshire offers: 
  • 80,000+ ejournals
  • 1,200+ print journals
through Learning Resources. They are bought after consultations with academics to ensure that they meet
the needs of your studies. I would hope that there would be plenty of resources for you to choose from. If
the print journals occasionally get out of order I do apologise. Staff do try to keep the stock in good
alphabetical order
I also think you may need to consider what search terms you are using and
whether  they really are as specific as you imagine

  • You might not be searching the right resource, check the Databases for my subject links on the 
    Digital Library to find good quality academic resources.
  • You might not be using search techniques such as "and" or "phrase searching" to make your search
    results more relevant.