Friday 30 January 2009

Polhill: Word problems

why is it whenever we open a word document we get all these smart board messeges that disallow us from entering the word documents.

Thank you for your comments regarding Word. I am sorry that you have been experiencing difficulties. I have spoken to the IT support team at Polhill library and this is their reply:

This has been flagged up to ISD and the problem is three fold.

1) Word is saying the digital signature is not correct
2) a different program's template requires Word macro's to be run
3) the latest Smartboard software was requested and installed quickly without, unfortunately properly testing how it would effect other programs.

At a recent meeting with ISD staff the problem has been raised again and although there isn't a clear time scale to when these problems would be fixed across the University Polhill staff will look at the problem to check if anything can be done locally to improve things.
Thank you for your patience

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Print Credit Machines

The machines used to credit our accounts for prints in the LRC have been out of use for months now.
I have on many occasions found this very inconvenient I would like to see them working again. What are University's plans for this.

Thank you for your comments. I am sorry about the inconvenience caused by the lack of self service print credit machines. This is a problem we have been monitoring for a while. The University is about to change the print credit software/hardware provider. Before we change over we have a robust system of testing and checking to go through. This is so that we don't replace a poor product with another poor product. Unfortunately while this process is going on we have to put up with the old product.

I have no date for implementation at this stage but it will be this year. Please ask at the Customer Service desk for assistance with crediting your print account.

Monday 26 January 2009

Putteridge Bury LRC

1) I think there should be more computers so that there would be enough room for students who'd like to do assignments and projects during lecture hours
2) We need more books for students studying marketing communication
3) There should be enough reading tables and chairs to accommodate students
Apart from that everything's fine

Thank you for your comments Violet. They underline the remarks made at a recent open international student meeting at Putteridge Bury. The University is delighted with the take up of courses by international students this year and it is doing everything possible to accommodate the needs of this group.
1) The computer issue was problematic when we discovered that we couldn't support laptop loans at Putteridge Bury. 20 pcs are being installed in the studio and silent study room at Putteridge Bury LRC to address the current paucity of the ratio of pcs to students.
2) All students cry out for more books but this coupled with a rapid increase in student numbers will have an impact. This issue is being addressed. In the meantime please take advantage of the inter-site reservation service by requesting Park Square and Polhill items to be delivered to you (please make sure the catalogue states that an item is "available" or you could have a long wait) and/or please use the Putt bus to come into Luton and visit the Park Square campus (don't forget your ID).
3) Regarding furniture provision we have the same problem in that a large increase in usual student numbers makes current provision seem lower than usual. This is exacerbated by the fact that we have to find somewhere for the extra pcs. Sorry this may take a while to sort out as we have to get the other changes in place before we can do anything about furniture, please bear with us. Your comments have been heard and we are trying to address them.
Thanks for your patience


Just a thought really could the library have a tannoy system that links to the library on all 3 floors to indicate to students when the library closes rather than staff walking to all 3 floors, quiet areas to tell students the library is closing.
PS think its a good idea got it from the British Library

Thank you for your suggestion. I would dearly love a tannoy system at Park Square (and possibly Polhill too). The University priced a system up 2 years ago. Unfortunately it was prohibitively high and so the idea was shelved. We do not have the same budget as the British Library - sadly!



Print Crediting

I'm not happy about the fact that I'm unable to credit my account after 10pm because the machines don't work. It can be quite an inconvenience at times in the day when there can be up to a 10 minute wait just to get my account credited when I know this can be avoided.

I am sorry about the problems you have with crediting your print account.
The University is in the throws of changing the hardware and software for self service print credits. Unfortunately until that process is complete the broken machines will be nursed until the end of their contract which may well mean that there are times when they won't work. My best advice to you - if the machine isn't working - is to choose a time when there isn't a queue and top up around 9.30pm.
The new print credit system will be a lot more user friendly please bear with us while we bring it in.

Air Quality in LRC

Most of the times in the library areas air is very stuffy and it is really hot, which makes it unpleasant place to be in. Today 20.1.09 there is the same problem in the Social learning area.
My suggestion would be to pay more attention to these issues, perhaps monitor them more closely and when necessary adjust the air conditioning, timely because as I have found out today, staff has requested that to be done but no action still seems to be taken.

Thank you for your comments. The University is aware that there are occasions when the air quality in the LRC suffers from over heating. This is mainly due to the size of the building. Heating such a large open space takes a long time so any adjustments to thermostats takes a while to be effective on the over all temperature.
The LRC does not have any air-conditioning and due to the negative carbon footprint of introducing any this will not be on any future plans for the building. The Social Learning Space does have an air circulation system that helps keep the air quality good in that space. if you notice any discomfort please report it to the level 1 Customer Service Desk so that an adjustment may be requested. Unfortunately if this is after 5pm this will not be acted on immediately as the staff do not cover out of office hours.
This coupled with the fact that January temperatures have fluctuated so dramatically over the course of 3 weeks its not surprising that the heating system is over compensating. Hopefully this will settle down in the next few weeks.

Noise in LRC after 10pm

Thank you for your comments. I am sorry about the levels of noise you have been coping with recently. As your comments seem to be about the service between 10pm - 2am I feel I must clarify that there are no quiet/silent study spaces available at that time. The IT Suite is a quiet working space and the Social Learning Space is what it says, a comfortable social environment designed for group and discussion work. I am afraid that it is inevitable that noise levels will be louder here than in a traditional library space.
Security will intervene (and I will pass your comments to the Head of Security) but within reason. Undue noise can be reduced but there will always be the noise of human interaction at all times both in the IT Suite and the Social Learning Space. Please continue to report unacceptable levels of noise in the IT Suite to security and they will patrol to reduce the overall volume. I am sorry but you'll have to put up with the fact that these areas will at best, only be "quiet". They are not intended for silence.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Message for Kozo

Dear Kozo
The problem is with your Faculty and your registration details. You need to sort it out with them. I cannot intervene on your behalf as a) its inappropriate and b) you will not get the quickest response.
Please contact your Faculty as soon as possible.

Monday 19 January 2009

Access to Netmail - Putteridge Bury Student

I cannot get log in the Student Net mail. Could you please sort it out so that I can get due service as a registered students. I definitely want a responsible reply as soon as possible as I have been unable to get access to the Student Net mail for long.

On investigation your status within the Unversity is not Current and so you do not have any rights to access University resources, including Netmail. If this is incorrect please go to the LRC Customer Service desk to resolve this.


Netmail Query

Dear Kozo

Thanks for your email:

Could you please sort it out so that I can get due service as a registered students. I definitely want a responsible reply as soon as possible as I have been unable to get access to the Student Net mail for long.

I have checked your account and your Netmail account should be working fine now.

If you experience problems with any of your accounts please go straight to the Customer Service desk at Putteridge LRC or ring (01582) 743488.
