Monday, 26 January 2009

Putteridge Bury LRC

1) I think there should be more computers so that there would be enough room for students who'd like to do assignments and projects during lecture hours
2) We need more books for students studying marketing communication
3) There should be enough reading tables and chairs to accommodate students
Apart from that everything's fine

Thank you for your comments Violet. They underline the remarks made at a recent open international student meeting at Putteridge Bury. The University is delighted with the take up of courses by international students this year and it is doing everything possible to accommodate the needs of this group.
1) The computer issue was problematic when we discovered that we couldn't support laptop loans at Putteridge Bury. 20 pcs are being installed in the studio and silent study room at Putteridge Bury LRC to address the current paucity of the ratio of pcs to students.
2) All students cry out for more books but this coupled with a rapid increase in student numbers will have an impact. This issue is being addressed. In the meantime please take advantage of the inter-site reservation service by requesting Park Square and Polhill items to be delivered to you (please make sure the catalogue states that an item is "available" or you could have a long wait) and/or please use the Putt bus to come into Luton and visit the Park Square campus (don't forget your ID).
3) Regarding furniture provision we have the same problem in that a large increase in usual student numbers makes current provision seem lower than usual. This is exacerbated by the fact that we have to find somewhere for the extra pcs. Sorry this may take a while to sort out as we have to get the other changes in place before we can do anything about furniture, please bear with us. Your comments have been heard and we are trying to address them.
Thanks for your patience