Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tell Us Survey feedback - postgraduate study space

You said:
 I suggest specifying silent area for just postgraduate students. undergraduate can't access it.
some research centres assign rooms for their students in the library while others don't. I am from CRELLA
and I don't have a specific place in luton to study in like other institutes. This isn't fair.

We said: Thank you for your suggestions. University of Bedfordshire postgraduates and researchers have
access to the Post Graduate Centre and may use the resources there. The ethos of University of
Bedfordshire Learning Resources and Service Excellence access policy is equity of access. The University's
LRCs and libraries are open to all. This offers the fairest access. No research centres have assigned rooms
in the Learning Resources.
When the new library opens in July 2016 there will be silent study rooms on each floor. In addition to the
 silent study rooms there are quiet ICT rooms. I would advise you to get into the habit of booking a PC
for yourself in the Quiet ICT rooms on levels 4 and 5