Tuesday, 3 December 2013

What Learning Resources does

I think learning resources should not focus only depend on technologies too much (BREO) its too much technologies and some update and learning should not on computer but it should be in books.

Thank you for your comments. BREO is a very useful tool which gives students access to course information wherever they can get an internet connection. This is managed by your tutors and lecturers.
Learning Resources offers a wide range of resources, study facilities, services and training and teaching. Check our website for details
Learning Resources offers a range of services aimed at supporting your studies while you are at University.

PCs are provided in each LRC/Library which offer access to a wide range of applications including Microsoft Office, email and the Internet as well as a wide variety of information resources including:
4,000+ ebooks
280,000+ books
30,000+ ejournals
1,200+ print journals
80+ databases
University past examination papers since 1999
edissertations via the University repository