Thank you for your
suggestions. I am sure you have tried out the study space in the IT Suite, if
you haven’t may I recommend that you do?
There is a variety of study furniture to meet individual
requirements in the IT Suite. The
furniture on offer includes a single Vitra study desk (in orange or black) some
with laptop plug in power sockets some with University PCs.
On the other LRC floors there is seating for over 900 people. There are some individual study carrels on levels 2 & 3 the silent floors, and some on
shared desk space elsewhere. To accommodate all of our thriving University community
individual study boxes are not an option in the space that we have available.
The teaching style of the University requires Learning Resources to offer group and social learning
spaces and they have to be given as our priority.
Laptops to rent suggestion: University of Bedfordshire
offers approximately 1 PC per 20 students through Learning Resources. Desktop
PCs offer a more stable connection to the internet and a wider range of
products for a large number of users. WiFi use is available throughout the
University but is subject to connection variation when there is heavy customer
demand. Investment in laptops for loan is being considered and a project may
come to light in the next couple of years.