Tuesday, 3 December 2013

e-Journals and Study space

Should have more e-journals.
Should have individual study cabins as these services are available in other universities of London.

Thank you for your suggestions regarding Learning Resources. The University of Bedfordshire is expanding its range of e resources year on year. At the moment the University of Bedfordshire is proud to stock: 4,000+ ebooks; 30,000+ ejournals; 80+ databases; University past examination papers since 1999; edissertations via the University repository. If you have any specific titles you would like the University to stock please talk to your Academic Liaison Librarian Alan Bullimore
Regarding your request for individual study space may I point out that as a post graduate you have access to the facilities in the Post Graduate Centre which meet your requirements. Learning Resources offers a wide range of study environments to meet the study needs of the whole student body. This includes quiet silent, and social learning spaces.

In addition Learning Resources has individual study workstations in the IT Suite