Thank you for you comments on the digital library. The University of Bedfordshire is proud to stock: 4,000+ ebooks; 30,000+ ejournals; 80+ databases; University past examination papers since 1999; edissertations via the University repository. Our team of Academic Liaison Librarians are constantly on the look out for more eresources to enhance the library collection. You maybe aware that not all publishers take the ebook route and so we are limited by the range of materials available as eresources.
Your Academic Liaison Librarian is available to you by email or in a prearranged 121 session. Please contact Alan or Avtar
Meanwhile these pages may be of use
Learning Resources offer support in person via the Customer Service desk and on line via LRWeb
If you’d like to take advantage of any of
the training offered by Learning Resources check our What’s On page
This programme includes computer skills – you need an
update/refresher our Computer Skills Training (CST) team run workshops on a
regular basis at Luton and Bedford Campuses
There is a series of on-line guides which may be helpful to you
Our Professional Academic Development (PAD) team can help you with
any writing or numeracy support you require. They also offer 121 appointments
if you prefer