Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tell Us Library Satisfaction Survey 2018: Study Environment

quiet study environment  and there is  always space to read
the student should reduce their noise especially those open areas
compare to Nigeria where I come from
I can get books to carry out my assignment

Thank you for your feedback LRSE is always looking for way to support the teaching and research activities across all programmes in the University. Reading Lists help focus that process and other services like Recommend a Resource gives some autonomy for resource choices to the University Community.

The University took a lot of care in choosing the furniture for the new library and getting our architects to design a space to offer a variety of study environments. I am glad the space supports your learning

Everyone's personal learning style is different and may conflict with everyone else's. Fortunately Luton Campus Library has a full range of study environments to - hopefully - suit all our students. 

Be aware that some floors are specifically zoned for social study. Inevitably these floors are going to be noisy.

I would strongly advise you  study on level 4, 5 or 6 which would suit you better. If you still find the open areas on these floors too noisy you can choose to study in the silent study rooms which are monitored.