Friday, 29 November 2013
More books Thanks for your enquiry. I will need more specifics on what you are looking for to help you further. I will secomnd guess what your query may be ihn the mean time: Students have been telling Learning Resources and the University that there weren't enough copies of textbooks available for you to read. Well the university heard what you said and has given us an extra £100,000 to spend. The team of Academic Liaison Librarians have been busy checking reading lists, assessing which books have large numbers of reservations on them and consulting with academic staff to identify which key texts we should be buying. Our aim is to provide more print copies of core essential reading and purchase more e books to provide wider reading around your subject. If you have specific books that you need but can't find please use our Request a Resource form If the books you want are on loan please use our Reservations service hope that helps