Monday, 3 March 2014

Bedford - maximum loans

It would be helpful to have the maximum amount of books allowed displayed on the library screen. I made a special journey here but couldn't take my books as I add reached my maximum amount of 20 Thanks

I am very sorry you were inconvenienced over your library visit. The library management system feeds into your library account so you can check at any time you have on-line access, on how many books you have on loan
sign in with your normal University details
This account will let you renew any items, tell you if you have reservations to collect, whether you have any fines to pay and how many books you have on loan.
Library terms and conditions are availble on LRWeb
and in the Library Handbook which you should have been given at your induction or the start of this academic year. Additional copies are available to pick up in the Library at any time.