Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Mind Mapping

I am keen to use the Mind mapping techinque. I have look on the Invisible university section of the learning resources from UoB. I have followed the links to try to access the software, which lead me to the "getting started page" - http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/studyhub/workshops/getting-started2
No clear indication how I access the software, when i click on the workshop timetable link, i geet the screenshot below:

Thank you for your enquiry

Some details are available on LRWeb
The links you followed took you into workshop details. The invisible library does state “On campus PCs we have mind mapping software called Mind Genius

Mind Genius is available via an icon on the student desktop when you log onto a University PC (at any campus)

We are in the process of installing a new version of the software. When this happens you will be able to download a copy for use at home – while you are a student of the University of Bedfordshire – from the library catalogue. In the meantime I will send your details to our library development team and they will send you a link so you can download your own copy.
