I have taken out a loan laptop several times from the library, however each time I have not been prompted for alogin which made it difficult for me to print documents off, I then had to speak to one of the librarians for them to try and help me, it needs to be made more clear about login into these laptops, for the purpose of printing and saving documents if needed. I am also particularly concerned with the noise levels within the library and I am finding it difficult to study as many people come here to socialise instead of study, people who are not studying should either be prompted to keep the noise down or leave.
Thank you for your enquiry. I will break it down into section to ensure I answer each of your concerns
Laptops: If you do not get a log on prompt it means that the person who used the laptop before you did not log off correctly. If this happens again please switch the laptop off completely and start again. Some trouble shooting tips are being drafted and this will be included in the advice.
Study environment: Luton Library offers a huge range of study environments with the more social floors being 1, 2 and 3. If you like using these floors I am afraid that you will have to expect more conversation than you would like. Silent study rooms are available on levels 4, 5 and 6 and I would advise you to study there