In the old library there was signs up with the
book topics of each floor rather than just the numbers, this time it is just
the numbers. It would be much easier for students to have the topics,
especially if they wish to explore other topics and link subjects in their
course. Also I could not find many up to date books within social sciences (I
am doing an assignment on child trafficking).
Sign posting
The subjects used in the old library dated quickly as new
terms and facets of a subject are delivered each year.
I would advise you to use a quick search on the library
catalogue to start you off with a few catalogue number and then use the red
signs to find your way around the floors.
Child Trafficking
Using the search term “child trafficking in the library
catalogue I got 27 items 17 of which were 6 years old or less.
Using the search term“child trafficking” in DISCOVER –
available on the front page of LRWeb
I got 291,025 hits.
As the majority are articles that’s a lot of very current material
There is a lot of help available on-line which I would direct
you to have a look at
there is a very specific section on finding information