here seems to be a reoccurring issues with the online library and access to ebooks.
As part time students who also work full time, it is highly stressful when we are unable to access literature we need in order to complete assignments. We also attend a satellite campus and therefore it is also and hour journey to the library itself in Bedford.
The available time we do have, which is usually evenings and weekends, are very precious and when we lose a whole day of studying due to faults beyond our control, it would be nice if considerations were made to the fact that we still have deadlines to meet, which without the access to the literature, is unachievable.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your email. You will know from the Digital Library tweets and Blog posts that University of Bedfordshire along with other subscribers of Dawsonbooks have been experiencing access problems in the last few weeks
Unfortunately these things are beyond the University's direct control. We do as much as we can to speed up the notification and resolution of these problems but it is out of our hands.
I would advise you to check UoB library tweets and subscribe to the Blog for the latest updates