Monday, 29 July 2013

NHS Library Use

I have been trying to log into Discover, but repeatedly get the error message of 403. Is this due to any library fines that I may have? Please can you advise as to how I may resolve this?

I look forward to hearing from you. 

I have been in contact with you about this. I wrote to you using your University email account last month

You have two books that are significantly overdue from the Comet Library. Your University of Bedfordshire library account will be blocked until these books are returned to the Comet in accordance with University's agreement with NHS Trust libraries.

This means that you will not be able to borrow renew or reserve any University of Bedfordshire books and you will not be able to use the digital library.

I have spoken to staff at the Comet library today and they have confirmed that you returned the overdue books 16.7.13. They should have notified me when you did this so I could lift the block on your account. Apologies for the time delay and any inconvenience caused. The block is now lifted

You can check your library account at any time on-line here:

just log on with you usual University of Bedfordshire Registration Number and Password. You will see what you have on loan and if you owe any fines.

Please remember to check your University email account regularly for University emails ie from Learning Resources, your course or University administration


Your staff members are excellent. Helpful, nice, with a smile. I haven't had any negative experience at LRC. I'm grateful that I've come across your wonderful helpful people.
It isn't only me; my classmates have consistently on more than one occasion commented positively on LRC staff. Keep it up. Thanks

Thank you for taking the time to show your appreciation. The Learning Resources team are delighted to have assisted you in your studies and congratulations on your success.

Silent Study - Bedford

I am aware that there is a suggestion to create the whole of the UoB library second floor as a silent working area.

I think that is a good idea, if we have different processes in place to ensure the space allocated is indeed for silent work.

In the short time (approximately 6 months) I have tried using the small silent working room on the ground floor, I have found:-

  • other learners who habitually ignore the fact that it is a silent working room
  • that ALL staff who have come in to help a learner, talk so loudly there may as well be no 'rule'
  • that staff talking loudly collude with the ignoring of the rule
  • I have been obliged again and again to remind others of the purpose of the room and had at times to deal with abusive behaviour as a result
I hope you do good research on the idea e.g. visiting other large silent work areas.  For your information, at Bedford College, there is a large silent working room.  It is chaotic.  Individuals come together there to do group work.  People listen to music on their headsets.  Staff come in to chat with small groups doing their group work.  Silent study in such an environment is a myth.

I would prefer to have a small silent working area rather than a large room in which I am positioned as 'police' simply because I appreciate working silently and I have deliberately sought my preferred work environment.

Therefore, my plea would be to always have a small silent study area AND that if you go ahead with the idea of a large silent area that new processes are implemented so that the space benefits those who want to study silently rather than those who do not.  I also think it important that individuals do not have the primary responsibility for ensuring other individual learners adhere to the requirement.  I say this, having experienced the abusive and argumentative responses from others when challenged to be silent.

I am happy to speak with any colleague on this matter as it is important to me as I am sure it is to others.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

The Silent Study space project at Bedford Library is more than a suggestion it is a building work in progress which will start 12.8.13

A great deal of planning and preparation has gone into creating this space. Learning Resources have been aware of student demand for silent  study space at Bedford for a while. Learning Resources have consulted with the SU and Faculty Boards on what the best provision could be. A whole floor of Silent study space seemed the best solution. We are therefore delighted to be able to put our plan into action for the 2013/14 academic year

The 2nd floor at Bedford Library will:
be screened off at the atrium to inhibit noise leakage from other floors
have electronic monitoring so if noise levels exceed pre set levels staff will attend to warn customers to maintain the silence or issue "Written Warnings
there will be noise patrols as staff go about their duties

Any complaints from customers on level 2 will be dealt with directly. I would encourage you to talk to staff on the customer service desk if you encounter any problems.
There are no plans to keep the room on the ground floor as a silent space at the moment as demands for different styles of study space are being considered.

I hope this puts your mind at rest

Friday, 26 July 2013

Problems with digital access

I am having issues access the online search function for journal’s and getting this message

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /titles.asp.
Reason: Error reading from remote server

Any suggestions to get around it?

I am sorry that you are having problems accessing the digital journals. There are no problems with your library account and there are no problems with the digital library.

To try and remedy this situation please
1)Clear browser history
if this doesn't work
2) Try a different browser

If you are still experiencing problems please ring 01582 743 488 today (Friday) 8.30 - 18.00 or tomorrow 10.30 - 17.30 and someone will try to help you over the phone

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


I need to get SPSS on to my laptop. I was wondering if i can do it from home or wheter i need to be there in person to have to get it on my laptop?

Thank you for your enquiry. You need a stable internet connection and you should be able to install SPSS anywhere. SPSS is a huge file please read the instructions here

then follow the process through. Hope that helps.


I am a mature MSc student.
I am aware the standard loan is 2 weeks. I am going on holiday for 4 weeks and can't guarantee access to the internet to renew my books.
Are you able to extend the loan for me until 26th August (when I am home) so I do not incur penalties or charges? 

Thanks for your enquiry. University of Bedfordshire does not have an extended loan facility as we have generous renewal allowances. I am sorry I cannot accommodate your request. Could you possibly give some thought to returning the books?
You have had the books since the end of May and have diligently renewed them - which is highly commendable. I would encourage you to carry on with this practice. I appreciate that you may not have finished with the books but leaving them unused while you are on holiday will prevent someone else from using them.
You have a reservation to collect. One of your items on loan has been requested by someone else and needs to be returned on or before 29.7.13

You may return your loans to any Campus.

Bedford Library Opening hours

I have a question about opening hours for the Bedford library over the summer.
Will the 24/7 opening change at all? If so, what to?

Thanks for your enquiry. Bedford Library is open 24/7 365 - which includes Bank Holidays. If you have any doubt please check the front page of LRWeb

or the Opening Hours page for Bedford Library

The Learning Hub is closed for re-modelling 12.7.13 -> 14.10.13 but the Library is open

Thursday, 18 July 2013


account says that I own u a book but I brought it back long ago. It must be a mistake. Could you check it? What should I do now?

The book has been returned. Glad the situation has been resolved. You owe £5.75 in outstanding fines and have no items on loan on your account.
You can check your library account at any time on-line here:

just log on with you usual University of Bedfordshire Registration Number and Password. You will see what you have on loan and if you owe any fines.
There isn't an on-line payment route just yet. Please ring
01234 793189
and you can make a payment over the phone

Monday, 15 July 2013

Digital Library

and I am not being allowed in to access the electronic journal section. My password is ok as it lets me through the first log in and I am stopped at the journal page

Thank you for your enquiry. I am not aware of any problems with the digital library (and there is nothing wrong with your account) so may I check something with you?

We advise everyone to start with the library catalogue
click on the Digital Library tab

Using the search boxes to define your search then click go. As you click into the resources you will be asked to sign in. You do that with your normal University username and password.
Alternatively use DISCOVER using the link on the front page of LRWeb
type your search (author, title or keywords) in the search box and click the search button and sign in with your normal University username and password.

if you do all this and still having problems please ring
01582 743488
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 20.00
Sat 10.30 - 17.30
for over the phone advice. It could be the journal you are looking for.

Digital Library

I am emailing as I am looking to do my dissertation for next year to see how a child's physical activity levels can affect their spatial awareness and anticipation.  However I have come across problems with being able to access resources online, as when i try to log in through Athens or Sibbath (to log in through the uni) it says I do not have access.  Is this something that can be sorted out so i can get access to the resources on spatial  awareness, or am i going to have to redo my idea.

I hope something can be done as I do not have any other diss ideas.  

Thank you for your enquiry. I am sorry that you seem to be having problems with using the digital library. I am sure that there are plenty of resources available to support your dissertation idea. Shibboleth and Athens are not resources in their own right you have to use the catalogue or DISCOVER to find materials in the first place.
 If you try use ATHENS you will have no success as the University does not use this tool

The University uses Shibboleth - UK Access Management Federation -  as an authentication tool.

May I check with you on how you are accessing digital resources?
We advise everyone to start with the library catalogue
click on the Digital Library tab

Using the search boxes to define your search then click go. As you click into the resources you will be asked to sign in. You do that with your normal University username and password.
Alternatively use DISCOVER using the link on the front page of LRWeb
type your search (author, title or keywords) in the search box and click the search button and sign in with your normal University username and password.

if you do all this and still having problems please ring
01582 743488
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 20.00
Sat 10.30 - 17.30
for over the phone advice

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Teaching Practice Loans

I checked out 2 books at the end of May and are due back on the 5th July. When i checked the books out i asked the man on the desk if i would to be able to have them oveer the summer and they said yes, i've just logged in to renew them even though the man said i wouldnt have to do it, but now it's saying i'm no allowed to renew them but i don't understand why?

Was wondering if you were able to help me with this issue as i would not be able to return the books till mid september when i am due back in Bedford,

Thanks for your enquiry. I am sorry that you were given misleading information in May. The items you issued on 28 May are Teaching Practice items. The member of staff you spoke to may not have been aware that this was the case. Teaching Practice items have a special loan period ie a termly loan (longer than our standard loan period of 2 weeks). These items may be recalled, fines apply and they may not be renewed. Please see "Teaching Practice" here:

I do understand that you say that you cannot return the books until September. If this changes you may return the books at any time as the library is open 24/7.
The items are already late so a fine will apply. Over the summer - if you cannot return the books - you may get a bill (when an item is more than 5 weeks late it becomes "Billed") and your library account will be blocked. Do not panic. If you return the items in September you will need to pay a total fine of £1, the bill will disappear and your account will be released.

External Customers Remote Access

I am an ex-student of University of Bedfordshire of 2009-2010  I want to know whether I can get access for online library for UOB. As such, I am working in New Delhi, India. It is one of the leading supply chain and logistics company of India. So, I need to access some of the online subject related information from library.

Please let me know whether I  can the access for online library. 

Many thanks for your enquiry. I regret to have to inform you that no external customers - alumni or associate members - are eligible for remote electronic access to University of Bedfordshire digital resources.

The licensing arrangements with the suppliers of digital resources are specifically for University of Bedfordshire students and staff with limited access for walk in (ie on campus) customers

Sorry I could not be more helpful on this occasion

Friday, 5 July 2013

Summer Study

I am a current student of the university and I'm about to go into my third year of study. However, I am from Manchester so I'm not able to come into the library for resources for my dissertation. I was wondering If they're is any way of receiving books without having to make the journey as I have a full time job, whether it be posting books or if I reserved books online and a fellow student came and collected them?

I understand this might not be possible but I thought I would ask just incase!

 Thank you for your enquiry. I am sorry University of Bedfordshire does not offer a postal book loan service. As you are a full time undergraduate the University would expect you to come in to borrow the necessary resources for your dissertation yourself. I am sorry our Regulations do not allow another person to borrow a book on your behalf.

Our electronic resources are available remotely
and you may use local institutions as a reference (there isn't a loan facility) study base while you are in Manchester.

I commend you for working on your dissertation over the summer. I hope you find somewhere locally to study

IEEE access

Could you please tell me which username and password I need to enable me access the IEEE Digital Library. I am an MBA IT Student and have tried logging into this site using my usual log ons to no avail

Thank you for your enquiry. I am sorry that you seem to be having problems with using IEEE. If you go directly to IEEE you will not be able to log on.

May I check with you on how you are accessing IEEE
We advise everyone to start with the library catalogue and click on the Digital Library tab

Using the drop down arrow under Ejournal Collections click on IEEE/IET Electronic Library and then "Go"
On the IEEE explore page

In the "Search Institution by Name" box type
University of Bedfordshire
click "Search"
Click on the University of Bedfordshire link (which is in blue and underlined)
You will then be taken to a University Login page where you login with your usual University username and password
You will then be in the IEEE Xplore environment

if you do all this and still having problems please ring
01582 743488
Mon - Fri 08.30 - 20.00
Sat 10.30 - 17.30
for over the phone advice

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


i have late library fees and told that i cannot graduate till i have paid them off,
but i have no chance of getting to the luton campus library until graduation day

is there any chance i can pay via phone and if so what number do i call etc

Thank you for your enquiry. You can check your library account at any time on-line here:

just log on with you usual University of Bedfordshire Registration Number and Password. You will see what you have on loan and if you owe any fines.
 I'm  sorry but there isn't an on-line payment route just yet. Please ring
01234 793189
and you can make a payment over the phone