Monday, 22 January 2018

Overdue books

I am unable to login to the library website to renew my items as  I didn’t do this in time. Is there anyway I can renew these items remotely as I live in Peterborough and I don’t start the second part of my course until February?

Many thanks for your enquiry regarding overdue library books. You have a bill for £111.49 on your library account. This is the replacement cost of two items you have had on loan since November 2017

Both are due back
Due back 21.11.17

Any book that is more than 6 weeks late will be billed at full replacement cost. Your library and network accounts will be blocked. Access to University LRCs/library and the network will be blocked until the overdue items are returned or you have agreed to pay a replacement fee. Bills are waived on the return of the overdue items and the fine has been paid.

I cannot renew these books for you and I would advise you to bring them into any University Library/LRC to either return them or renew them. You will need to bring them to the staffed desk so please be sure to visit during staffed hours

Going forward I would strongly advise you to put a reminder on your phone to renew your books to avoid anything like this happening again.
