I need an academic journal,
which is not available on Discover, I know there is a link to order it through
the university but I can not find it.
Thank you for your enquiry. As you are a final year undergraduate and need
an article rather than a whole journal you may use the University’s Document
Supply service.
All the information you need is on our website
Please read as much as you can about the service
Make your request on our online form, select journal request (at the
bottom of this page
Set up a BL on Demand account. Please read the information here. And
follow the links.
Do not make requests directly from your BL on Demand account unless you
are prepared to pay for them yourself
You will need to create your own British Library (BL) on Demand account
using your University of Bedfordshire email address.
This account should be used to receive digital documents only.
Any requests made using this account will need to be paid for by yourself
and the University will not refund the fees.
With BL on Demand you may receive your requested digital documents on
any device with internet connectivity.
The article will arrive in your University email account
Save your request
On receipt of a SED
e-mail you are strongly advised to choose the Save option (rather than Open)
from the download dialogue box. This way you will have access for 14
days. If you just Open the document it will be lost when you close it. You may
print it once.
If you want a print
out from a University printer you are strongly advised to NOT open the article
from a laptop. Webprint cannot print from secure PDFs. Open the articles
on a University PC rather than using a personal laptop (save as described above).