Wednesday, 2 December 2015

PC inactivity

I am disappointed with the inactivity clock on the computers in the IT Suite. I printed off a journal article, sat down by the PC I was using, and began to read it and dissect it. I don't know how long I was doing this for, but it must have been a while. My computer screen suddenly caught my eye, as I found it had logged off. Although my work was saved, and accessible via the document recovery on Microsoft, I lost the 15 or so tabs I had open on the internet, all relevant to my study. This has set me back in my assignment, as it took me hours to compile all the articles.'

The timeout on all LRC PCs is 30 minutes, after which time of inactivity on the PC a warning message is displayed. This states that there has been inactivity and the PC will be logged out. After a further 10 minutes and the message continuously being displayed. the PC is logged off.
 This was requested as a result complaints about students  “hogging” PC s. This alsot fits in with current Learning Resources' policy of removing abandoned personal belongings and logging out PCs by staff.
I am sorry you have been caught out by this, may I suggest that you set a timer on your phone to go off after 25mins so you can do some mouse movements to prevent the PC from logging out.