Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Printing Posters

Our final year event management group work for organizing an event in campus on 4th of Febraury. My group event is a charity event for people with visual impairment. For promoting the event, we need to make posters and print them.

I'm wrriting this email to ask you about poster printing. Could you please tell me how can we print our poster in the library? How many poster could we print? And the poster's seize.

Thank you very much.Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks for your enquiry. The maximum size for printing in the library is A3
BW single sided A3 10p per sheet
Colour single sided A3 30p


If you require any other sizes or a particular finish I would advise you to go to Reprographics at the Print Shop 45 Park Street, Luton

I hope that helps