am a new student.
have logged into newrefwork account and trying to find references
i search the titles showing up but i cant read it fully
need a ebsco logging
let me know how can i reading these full text
Thank you for your enquiry. There are online guides to help you
with your studies
I cannot tell how you got to those materials from the screen grabs. I do
not understand what you mean by
i have logged
into newrefwork account and trying to find references
Are you using DISCOVER or the library catalogue to find materials? If you
are not then you explicitly need to use either of these tools to give you
access to the material you need. Do not Google it.
If you are on Campus today I would advise you in the strongest term
possible to attend the Study Hub drop in
10am - 4pm Monday to
Location: Study Hub
Drop-in, Mezzanine Floor, Luton Library (L Block).
You will get very good advice on how to conduct research for your