Friday, 9 March 2018

Sconul Access

I am a distance learning MSc student with another University but I live in Luton.  I have been successful in my application for SCONUL library access and would veey much like to visit the University of Bedfordshire Luton library from time to time.

My SCONUL email says that generally all I need to bring is a copy of my acceptance email and my student ID but that I should check if you have any other requirements.  Is there anything additional you need me to do or any particular restrictions of which I should be aware?

Thank you for your enquiry

Our website has all the information you need. Please follow the links below. Download the application form. Hand it in with a passport style photo then accept our terms and conditions email (when it comes through) then you will get notification to come in and collect your membership card within 5 - 10 working days
