Monday, 19 June 2017

Opening Hours Update

Some of you told us you weren’t happy with planned library opening hours over the summer. We have listened to your concerns and are now extending the opening hours for July, August and September.

From Tuesday 27th June at both Luton and Bedford the library opening hours will be 08.30 AM - 02.00 AM Monday to Friday and 10.30 AM to 17.30 PM Saturday and Sunday and the August bank holiday.  

Over the summer the library use drops significantly, especially late at night. We want to ensure your safety while you study, so we make sure there is security on hand while the library is open.  A small reduction to opening hours in the summer ensures we are able to invest our resource where it will make the most difference to students during the rest of the year.

The usual 24/7 opening will be back from 2nd October and throughout the academic year including the Winter and Spring term breaks.