I was hoping you could
potentially help me with regards to printing my dissertation. I'm near an end
and I would just like to know some information;
Where can I print on campus?
How much does the process cost?
Are there seletive versions of quality or just
one generic print?
You can print in the LRC – details here
If you want to choose paper quality etc I would suggest you use
reprographics. If you’re on the Luton Campus you could go to Albert Road. Or
you could choose to use their Print shop online storefront
Most Print shop services can be accessed at our new online Print shop.
You can register for the service at
Once registered you can upload files, receive online quotes and
electronic proofs before submitting your work for print. For more information
please contact the Print shop on
01582 521421
or pick up a leaflet from the Copy shop at H002 or the Print shop in
Albert Road.
We can print your posters and mount onto 5mm foam board.
Files for print may also be emailed to crepro@beds.ac.uk when using this
address please call the print room to alert them you have sent a job if it is