Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Sconul Access

 You said:

I am a student with the Open University and have been approved for SCONUL Access. I just wanted to check it was possible to visit your Bedford campus library to study and what you may need from me to attend? Please see attached email with SCONUL access approval.

We said:

Thank you for your enquiry. Please check our web site specifying our local arrangements. You may apply using the online form link in the Sconul Access paragraph on this web page

You will notice from our advice to new applicants that

Please note that due to volume of demand processing may take up to 15 working days. Please be patient. Visitor enquiries will only be dealt with in person at ground floor Customer Service desk/reception 10.00 - 14.00 weekdays. We do not give status reports on application progress by phone or email. Please check staffed hours before visiting one of our libraries. No membership card means no access.

Conditions of Membership are here