Friday, 6 November 2015

Luton - Study Environment level 2

I am highly dissatisfied with the library and its services.

Not only are students talking loudly in the quiet areas, but there are no staffs on these floors to govern the way students behave. Yes they should know the rules, but staff should be governing the quiet floors as well just for certainty.

Silent Study floors: level 2 & 3 of Luton's LRC are designated Silent Study floors at the request of our students. Provision is made for group and social learning elsewhere in the LRC so there is an expectation for students to choose their preferred study environment and abide by the requirements. The Silent floors are monitored electronically and this is backed up by staff patrols - during staffed hours. Any student caught breaking the Silence requirement is allowed one warning after that Library sanctions come into effect. Student behaviour was a key theme at the recent Student Union conference. This is a university concern which is being looked at by staff, students themselves and the Student Union.
Level 2 is a silent floor I will ensure staff monitor this floor. No flags came through on the electronic monitoring I do apologise for the disrupted study environment. It should be silent