Monday, 23 November 2015

Appointment with Acadmic Liaison Librarian for my course

How or where do i find information to book a appointment with  the new librarian for my course?

Many thanks for your enquiry. A lot of first stop information is on Learning Resources website
If you click Study Hub @ Library tab on the red ribbon on the home page. Then click on What is the Study Hub. Then click on Study Hub teams, then click on Academic Liaison Librarians,  all links in the left pane. In the paragraph headed “What do we do” there is a link word highlighted in red “subject” click on this. This will bring up a table click the name next to Applied Social Studies and you will get to the librarian’s page. The web address for the librarian’s page is below. Bookmark it so you don’t have to remember all the clicks next time you want to contact him

In addition to this your librarian has created a wealth of information for your course

If you click on Library Guides tab on the red ribbon on the home page of LRWeb. Then click on Subject Guides in the left pane you will find a wealth of information in Applied Social Studies

This will give you guidance while you set up your appointment.