Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Putteridge Bury - Reservations

I am a 3rd year student doing a part time course at Putteridge Bury. I have recently been informed there will be limited library service at the campus anymore and if I want a book that is kept at another campus I must travel there myself. Please tell me WHY? Considering the amount of money I have to pay for my education, the very least ANYONE should expect is a library? As someone who does not drive and lives a 10 minute walk from Putteridge bury, I have relied on having my books delivered to the campus. Do you think it is unfair that other students at other campuses have the benefit of a book delivery service whilst others do not? I look forward to reading your response.

Due to circumstances beyond our control we can no longer staff Putteridge Bury library. This means that Putteridge Bury stock cannot be reserved and Putteridge Bury is no longer a reservation collection point. When you reserve other materials from the library catalogue please select the next most convenient campus to collect your books from ie Butterfield LRC, Luton LRC, Bedford Library, Aylesbury LRC or UCMK
Access to the print stock is offered on a self service basis and the University would ask you to issue and return your items without staff help. If you get stuck please ring 01582 743895 for assistance
You are advised to take advantage of Luton LRC or Bedford Library as they are open 24/7 x 365

I understand your frustration - please understand this decision has not been taken lightly and we are trying to put some restorative measures in place. Please be clear the Education Collection is available on a self service honour basis Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm. It will remain open while we solve the staffing issues. When new staff are in place the facility to collect reservations will be restored. In the meantime should you need to collect a reservation the nearest location is Butterfield (just across the dual carriage way from Putteridge)