We have been asked to use Be Safe! health & safety in
primary school science - only 1 copy seems to be available
Firstly apologies for only having one copy in stock at Bedford library. 3 copies have now been ordered (unfortunately it is not
available as an ebook). It will take a couple of weeks to arrive in
the library.
You could try the University bookshop – John Smiths to buy a
copy http://www.johnsmith.co.uk/product/9780863574269/be-safe
It appears to be out of stock at Amazon but there is one copy
available on the abebooks website http://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=12852683546&searchurl=isbn%3D9780863574269%26amp%3Bsts%3Dt
if you did want to buy a personal copy.