Its great but could we have more than 5 temporary cards
The temporary ID service is only available at Luton Campus to encourage maximum use of this fabulous facility.
Each member of the University community is allowed 12 temporary IDs per year.
This averages out at one temporary ID per month to accommodate those days when you may have forgotten your ID. As the University year is only 5 months old if you have used up your allowance of 12 temporary IDs please make an appointment with a library manger (ask at Customer Service desk on level 1 of Luton library) to prove that you do have an ID card to request an extended number of temporary IDs. These temporary IDs are supposed to be used for very rare occasions.
Try to remember your ID every day that you are in the University as you are required to show it to any member of staff when requested. Temporary IDs will not allow you to book group study rooms, borrow materials or print.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Luton Library - cleaning
New library absolutely beautiful
- cleaning ladies do make a lot of unnecessary noise. This morning I even told/requested them to keep their voice down as they were discussing something on their phone but they couldn't.
Thank you for your positive comments. I hope you continue to enjoy using the library. As Luton Library is open 24/7 x 365 there is no "down time" for cleaning and maintenance activities. The cleaning team do an excellent job in maintaining a pleasant library environment. As its such a big area they cannot stop for administrative activities such as phone calls from their supervisor. I am sure you understand that this disruption is kept to a minimum.
Luton Library - praise
New library is absolutely brilliant. Way better than the old library
Thank you for your positive comments. I hope you continue to enjoy using your library
Thank you for your positive comments. I hope you continue to enjoy using your library
Christmas Opening
opening hours this holiday
Thank you for your enquiry. As you haven’t specified which Campus you
require the Learning Resources opening hours for please check the appropriate web page
Putteridge Bury
I hope that helps
Sconul Access
I am wanting to
go to Bedford University's library on the Bedford campus as my SCONUL
application was accepted. However, I am wondering would I be able to access the
wifi and also what are the opening times.
Thank you for your enquiry all the answers are on our web site
You need to follow on your application process now you have your email
of authorisation from the Sconul Access team details here
application form here
It takes 2 – 5 days for your application to be processed so if you want
access over Christmas you better make your application today or wait for access
after 3.1.17
You will automatically be logged onto Eduroam once your membership card
has been issued and you enter the Bedford Library.
Bedford Library is open 24/7 x 365
Monday, 19 December 2016
Sconul Access
I currently hold SCONUL Band R access and have a reference
reader card issued by Polhill library. Can I check if this will allow me access
to Luton Library also?
Yes your Sconul Access membership does allow you access to the Luton
I will say that the standard cardboard membership card will restrict
your access to staffed hours only. If you require access over Christmas week
(in particular) I would advise you to bring your card to Luton Library during
staffed hours, week beg 19.12.16
Mon – Thurs 8.30 – 18.00
Fri 8.30 - midday
And get your card changed to a plastic swipe card. This will work at
Bedford, but it will also swipe you in at Luton
Friday, 16 December 2016
External membership - retired staff
A former member of staff who retired last year and is now
embarking on a process of publishing academic articles. If she was able to have
associate member status at the university would this be sufficient to enable
her to have access to the library? Are there any other requirements?
Retired members of staff may have free reference access via
our External Customer membership. If the person would like loan status there a
concessionary rate for retired staff for Associate access which is £30 per
annum, details are here
Full details of our External membership offer is here
I hope this helps, if you need further details please get
back to me
Thursday, 15 December 2016
External Customer - remote access
I wanted to enquire that is it possible to have remote
access to the libraries in the Sconul Access scheme?
Thanks for your
enquiry. I am sorry but no it isn’t. University digital licensing agreements
do not allow for remote access to our digital materials for Sconul Access
External Customers
I am a
postgraduate MSc student at University College London, living in Luton and
I would like access to the University of Bedfordshire library so that I may use
this space to study. As UCL does not participate in the sconal scheme for
postgrad taught students, is it possible to obtain a membership for
reference use only?
Thank you for your enquiry. As you cannot take advantage of the Sconul
Access route there is no free membership available to you. If you can prove you
are a student you are entitled to our concessionary membership fee for
reference access or, full subscription is chargeable, details here:
If you want to progress a membership application please read the
information on our website
and complete an application form
sent it with a photo & remittance in a cheque* to
Sarah Arkle
Head of Reader Services
University of Bedfordshire
Learning Resources
University Square
Head of Reader Services
University of Bedfordshire
Learning Resources
University Square
can also be accepted by card in person or over the phone (01582 743168)
or by cash in person
allow 5 working days for the application to be processed
Monday, 12 December 2016
Luton Library Opening Hours
Please could you tell me the opening days and times for the
University's Luton campus library over the Christmas holidays? I would
appreciate it if you could kindly let me know the days and the hours.
Also, will we be able to access the computers and laptops if
we come in over the Christmas holidays to the library?
will we be able to print, scan and photocopy as well as take
out books?
What days and times will the library staff be available
to help?
also, what days and times will the staff at study hub be
available - with regards to the Librarians who are on first floor and
Academic Skills Tutor, Academic Liaison Librarian or Computer Skills Trainers.
Thank you for your enquiry.
All opening hours and staffed hours information is available on our
Luton Library is open 24/7
All self service services are available including access to desktop PCs,
laptop loans (for use in the library), print, scanning and photocopying as you
mention, are available 24/7.
Staffed hours are
12 – 17 Dec
Monday – Friday 8.30 – 22.00
Saturday 10.30 – 17.30
19 – 22 December
Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 18.00
Friday 23 Dec 08.30 - midday
Friday 23 Dec 08.30 - midday
24 Dec – 2 Jan patrolled by security
Study Hub details are available here:
Staffed 12 Dec – 22 Dec
10.00 – 16.00
There will be no Study Hub availability 24 Dec – 2 Jan
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Learning Another Langauge
Having books on
learning specific languages. I.E, Polish, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi
Learning Resources undertakes
to ensure the resources you need for your course or research are available and
accessible. If your course requires you to learn any of the languages you list
the materials should be available. If not please discuss this with your
Academic Liaison Librarian.
Butterfield - Opening hours
have Butterfield library open for longer hours
Resources considers all
recommendations for changes to service delivery. Regular opening hours will be
reviewed each year by 30 May prior to the relevant new academic year. Any
proposed changes will be put to academic staff and students through Student
Union representatives, Faculty representatives and BREO. The suggestion will
need to be considered alongside costs and required infrastructure.
Your request will be considered May 2017
Stock suggestion
would love these books! Please.
Abstract Expressionism Exhibition Catalogue
can only be purchased through the Royal Academy of Art website
Resources considers all
recommendations for stock from the University community we cannot however
guarantee that we will purchase everything recommended. Please fill out
the form on this web page
Luton Library - presentation rooms
presentation rooms just one more would be enough since the library has 6 floors
and there are only
two presentation rooms
Library benefits from two presentation rooms and the University community is
invited to make use of them. The best way to do this is via our online booking
the building project is complete and the investment in the room specification
has been made there are no plans to increase the number of presentation rooms
at Luton Library in the near future.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Luton Library - Room bookings
How do I book a study Room?
Thanks for your enquiry. There are no individual study rooms available
in Learning Resources. If you wish to book a group study room for a group of 4 –
7 people all the information you need is on LRWeb
At the Luton Library go to
If you have any problems please talk to staff at the Customer Service
desk on level 1
Friday, 2 December 2016
I need your help regarding referencing. I’ve already checked
all information on this website -
, however I can not find any information how to reference/insert caption to:
Graph taken from book or website or report
Graph or table, which is based on ( not original one) book,
website or report
Logo or picture taken from company website
I would be grateful if you could provide me these
information as well as some examples.
Citation order
Reference list
Graph taken from book or
website or report
Page number (if applicable)
The effects of the compounds
(Day and Gastel, 2006, p.95)
Year of Publication (in round
Title of books (in italics)
Place of publication:
Page number OR figure number
of the graph
If online then add:
Available at:URL
(Accessed: date)
Day, R. and Gastel, B. (2006) How
to write and publish a scientific paper. Cambridge:Cambridge University
Press, p. 95, graph.
Logo or picture taken from
company website
Controversy surrounded the
Olympic logo (London2012, 2010)
Year the site was
published/last updated (in round brackets)
Title of web page (in italics)
Medium i.e. logo [in square
Available at: URL
(Accessed: date)
London2012 (2010) London2012
[Logo]. Available at:
(Accessed: 23 May 2015)
Where you have stated ‘graph or
table, which is based on ( not original one) book, website or report’, I would
need to clarify what you mean by this. If you mean that the graph is in
one book but is listed as being taken from another source (graph by X is in a
book by Y) then you would need to use Secondary Referencing (which can be
found here:
I hope this helps.
I’m trying to identify the link to download Nvivo at home
for a student. Can you help?
You need to access this via the Library Catalogue
for “nvivo” on Library Catalogue at
Follow this permalink:
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Fines on renewed items
It explicitly states on the website that library due notices will be sent out with a seven day grace period so why on the first email I got notifying me that my books were late am I being charged?
The website says
Whilst items are overdue they may be renewed, even though fines may be owing.
If you renew an overdue item the fine is added to your account
The website says
Whilst items are overdue they may be renewed, even though fines may be owing.
If you renew an overdue item the fine is added to your account
Remote access
Am I able to log in to university of Bedfordshire while at
home? How do I do that?
Thank you for your enquiry. I am not sure what you mean exactly so I
will offer you a range of answers. If they don’t help please get back to me
with what you specifically want.
All UoB’s online resources are available anywhere with an internet
If you specifically want to use our digital resources you can log into
the library catalogue an authenticate with your usual University username and
password to access the resources
There are also support guides for your subject on the LRWeb
As well as a range of online guidance that may be of use to you
Friday, 25 November 2016
I sometimes use UoB based in Milton Keynes on Wednesday & Thursdays that facility closes at 8.30pm, however the computers kick you off at 8pm. Is it possible to enable the computer to kick you off at 8.30pm on those particular days. thank you
The library PCs are currently set to:
The library PCs are currently set to:
Mon & Tue 7.30 - 20.00
Wed & Thurs 7.30 - 20.30
Friday 7.30 - 19.30
Sat 10.00 - 16.00
Where was the PC that "kicked you off" at 20.00? If it was outside the library I am sorry I cannot help you further.
Digital resources
I am
doing the Masters in social work (policy and practice). My supervisor has recommended the following article
I have logged in with my details and also searched the e journals database with
no luck - could you confirm that I do not have access to this article as a
Bedfordshire student?
Thank you for your enquiry. I am sure that your superviser told you that University of Bedfordshire does not subscribe to the journal “Subjectivity” – which is where the article you require was published
Springer is the publisher and there is no University of Bedfordshire access to its website.
As a Masters student you are entitled to use the University's Document Supply service via Learning Resources please read the information here
You need to set up your BL on demand account following instructions here
please note this is for receiving materials only. If you request materials via this account you are liable for payment.
Make your request by following the link below and clicking on the link below - then click on Journal Request
Authenticate with your usual username and password
Complete as many details as possible on the form. It is essential that you type YES in the last field
The article will arrive in your UoB email account. You are recommended to download and print the article immediately as your access to it will expire in 30 days
- The article is not automatically saved and you must save it at the browser prompt or click ‘File>Save As’ in Adobe Reader and name it to a drive or memory stick to save it. Do not save to the desktop oif University PCs always save to your U Drive. Once the document is ‘saved’, you should have access to it for three years from the date of supply. If files are not saved, access from the download link will cease after 30 days and the item will need reordering. Upon expiry, you will be locked out of the article permanently.
All the information you need is on LRWeb
contact with any queries
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Luton Library - Temporary ID
how can I access the park square campus at 6pm tonight if I've forgotten my swipe card

You can make yourself a temporary ID card which will allow you to swipe in and out of Luton Library. Machines are on the ground floor - just inside the revolving doors - or on the level 1 entrance - bridge side of the barriers. It is valid for 24 hours, so make sure you carry it with you - even if you find your ID card - because your ID card won't swipe you in until the temporary ID expires.

You can make yourself a temporary ID card which will allow you to swipe in and out of Luton Library. Machines are on the ground floor - just inside the revolving doors - or on the level 1 entrance - bridge side of the barriers. It is valid for 24 hours, so make sure you carry it with you - even if you find your ID card - because your ID card won't swipe you in until the temporary ID expires.
Automated ID facility will not allow you to:
- Swipe into lecture rooms or the library's group study rooms
- Print/photocopy/scan in Luton Library
- Borrow or renew items including laptops
Temporary ID facility will allow up to 12 day passes per academic year.
Temporary ID is valid for 24 hours. It will disable the forgotten ID card until 24hrs have elapsed
Bedford Library - study environment
am not a student but I use the university library to read. I feel compelled to complain about the level of noise after 10pm in the quiet section of the library at the Bedford campus. For the past 2 days a small group of young students ( always girl and sometimes 3 or 4 boys) have been coming into the library between 9 and 10 pm chatting away as if they were outside totally oblivious to other students around and continue on until other students leave out of frustration. On Tuesday 22 November the same started playing music and when challenged by security simply told them to go away. Her friends who were sitting in other parts of the library were similarly chatting away, laughing and talking on their mobile phones. It's not acceptable and this small coterie of students must be stopped immediately.
Thank you for raising your concerns. Level 2 is the silent area at Bedford Library there is no quiet area. I am not clear whether this is the place you are referring to. If it is please report your concerns to the member of security staff on duty on the ground floor and email me that you have done this.
If you are not referring to level 2 please move to this floor to work
Thank you for raising your concerns. Level 2 is the silent area at Bedford Library there is no quiet area. I am not clear whether this is the place you are referring to. If it is please report your concerns to the member of security staff on duty on the ground floor and email me that you have done this.
If you are not referring to level 2 please move to this floor to work
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Identifying resources
I really need urgent help. I was intruduced to Scopus. I
desperately need some articles on The Psychometric properties of the Drug Use
Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) and the Alcohol Use Disorder
Identification Test. MY assignment is due on Friday. Is there any way any one
can help me with this.
I can’t quite believe you only have 3 days to complete your assignment
and I'm afraid your enquiry has
generated lots more questions than direct answers, such as: What results did
you get from Scopus? Did you use the library catalogue or DISCOVER?
If you type The Psychometric
properties of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test into the search bar of
the library catalogue you get 2,667 items to look at
you type Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test into the search bar of the
library catalogue you get 532 items to look at
You need help from the Study Hub
and I would suggest you visit as soon as possible. Go to the mezzanine floor of
Luton Library, walk up to the PC next to the Blue Wall with the words Study Hub
painted on it, enter your ID number on the queuing PC and someone will come out
to help you.
In the meantime there is a
substantial amount of online help which you may find useful
Luton Library - temperature
L607 very cold at times - more so as day goes on
The whole of Luton Campus has been experiencing problems with the heating since Thursday 17 November. The problem was addressed and we thought it had been sorted out out. Unfortunately Monday 21st started cold and got colder.
The whole of Luton Campus has been experiencing problems with the heating since Thursday 17 November. The problem was addressed and we thought it had been sorted out out. Unfortunately Monday 21st started cold and got colder.
The problem was helpdesked and temperatures are rising again.
The building management in Luton library is set for 19 - 23 degrees centigrade if temperatures fall between these values then the temperature is correct. If it falls below 19 degrees centigrade please tell staff at the level 1 customer service desk. If in doubt staff can supply a cardboard thermometer which helps gauge the temperature.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Digital resources from home
been told to use the web of science in order to find papers and journals for my
assignments. I can access it straight away when I am using a computer in the
library on campus but I can't figure out how to do so on my laptop at home. I
was wondering if you knew how I could do this? I don't live locally to the
university so this would be a huge help!
have checked your library account and there doesn't seem to be a problem with it.
University recommends always going into digital resources via the library
catalogue entry has several ways to get in, you need to click on the 2nd
choice when you are at home, which says
access to ISI web of science (via UK Access Management Federation)
you click on that you with get an authentication screen just type in your usual
University username and password and you should get in.
Friday, 18 November 2016
Putteridge Bury
Please consider manning the library room (Putteridge Bury) and provide clearer instructions how to use self service function. During unmanned hours staff in reception have been very helpful and friendly during my time here since 2014, especially Breda
Thank you for taking the trouble to raise your concerns
Thank you for taking the trouble to raise your concerns
We are aware of the
issues and we are planning to update signage and run sessions with students on
how to use self service machines.
If there is a problem with any of the equipment or there is a question about the service any person using Putteridge Bury may use the phone (labelled) in the Education and call for help on the spot.
Hello, I have a question
about referencing, I have 2 references that have the same name and date but
different documents, how do I write this in my text referencing? I have
included the 2 references below if that helps?
Create Development (2014) Real PE
overview [Online]. Available at: (Accessed:
18 November 2016)
Create Development (2014) Real PE
FAQs [Online]. Available at: (Accessed:
18 November 2016)
I would advise you to contact the study hub in person (on Campus - level 1 of the library) or online
for advice. I have forwarded your query to your Academic Liaison Librarin and you should get a reply soon.
In the mean time our web pages may be of use to you. Check out our refrencing sction which starts here:
There is some online guidance for your course that you also find useful
Sconul Access
have applied for the SCONUL membership which has been
granted. As such can I ask you to confirm what I will need to bring with me to
be able to use the library in Bedford?
Thank you for your enquiry
As it states on our website, please bring:
a print out of your email from Sconul Access, your home University ID card and a passport style photo. You will need to fill out an application form on arrival at University of Bedfordshire LRC/Library. We will advise you on how long it will take to make up your membership card - it can take up to 5 working days. Please note there is a replacement administration fee of £10 for lost or badly damaged cards.
Accessing digital resources
here seems to be a reoccurring issues with the online library and access to ebooks.
As part time students who also work full time, it is highly stressful when we are unable to access literature we need in order to complete assignments. We also attend a satellite campus and therefore it is also and hour journey to the library itself in Bedford.
The available time we do have, which is usually evenings and weekends, are very precious and when we lose a whole day of studying due to faults beyond our control, it would be nice if considerations were made to the fact that we still have deadlines to meet, which without the access to the literature, is unachievable.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your email. You will know from the Digital Library tweets and Blog posts that University of Bedfordshire along with other subscribers of Dawsonbooks have been experiencing access problems in the last few weeks
Unfortunately these things are beyond the University's direct control. We do as much as we can to speed up the notification and resolution of these problems but it is out of our hands.
I would advise you to check UoB library tweets and subscribe to the Blog for the latest updates
As part time students who also work full time, it is highly stressful when we are unable to access literature we need in order to complete assignments. We also attend a satellite campus and therefore it is also and hour journey to the library itself in Bedford.
The available time we do have, which is usually evenings and weekends, are very precious and when we lose a whole day of studying due to faults beyond our control, it would be nice if considerations were made to the fact that we still have deadlines to meet, which without the access to the literature, is unachievable.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your email. You will know from the Digital Library tweets and Blog posts that University of Bedfordshire along with other subscribers of Dawsonbooks have been experiencing access problems in the last few weeks
Unfortunately these things are beyond the University's direct control. We do as much as we can to speed up the notification and resolution of these problems but it is out of our hands.
I would advise you to check UoB library tweets and subscribe to the Blog for the latest updates
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Luyton Library - bookable rooms
I would like to book a group study room for the lib
tomorrow although I can't find the block via timetable so am I able to book
through you?
Luton Library rooms' access is not managed by timetabling. Please follow this link to see the process for booking a
group study room
Please book online via
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Aylesbury - computer room
health students said they were really pleased with the library facilities and
thanked the Learning Resources staff for their help and they were pleased with
the extended hours of the computer room.
Glad the extended hours are useful
Finding journals
I was wondering if you could
point me in the direction of someone who could help me with finding journals
for my dissertation. I had a meeting with my tutor who suggested that I contacted the library to get some guidance in finding these. I
am not sure if this is the write email address to contact whom it may
Thank you for your enquiry. If you contact the Study Hub you can arrange an appointment with a member of staff who can help you
In the mean time we have online resources that may be able to help you
I hope that helps
Luton Library - customer comments printing from a Library laptop
New library is amazing! Annoying how the laptops do not connect to the printers though. Apart from that everything is brilliant, all staff are so helpful - especially on the days when none of the printers were working. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words. If there is a problem with University printing then the laptops will not connect to webprint.
If printing is OK and you are using a library laptop the advice is save your work to your USB. Log off the laptop completely then re-start. It is good practice when borrowing LRSE laptops to start by logging off the laptop will automatically re-start and you shouldn't experience any problems.Please remember to log off at the end of your loan period
We have found that customers are forgetting to log off so the laptop remains logged on to their account details.
Printing: what should happen you are automatically logged on (but see above) you need to click the wifi signal button bottom right of the screen. Select Eduroam and then log in.You should be able to send a print job like you would from a desktop PC and collect the print out with your ID card.
Thank you for your kind words. If there is a problem with University printing then the laptops will not connect to webprint.
If printing is OK and you are using a library laptop the advice is save your work to your USB. Log off the laptop completely then re-start. It is good practice when borrowing LRSE laptops to start by logging off the laptop will automatically re-start and you shouldn't experience any problems.Please remember to log off at the end of your loan period
We have found that customers are forgetting to log off so the laptop remains logged on to their account details.
Printing: what should happen you are automatically logged on (but see above) you need to click the wifi signal button bottom right of the screen. Select Eduroam and then log in.You should be able to send a print job like you would from a desktop PC and collect the print out with your ID card.
Luton Library - customer comments PCs
Customer services have been excellent but computers frequent breakdown are unsettling. Your customer service is second to none
Thank you for your kind comments. Please report any issues with University PCs top staff at the level 1 customer service desk so the problems can be rectified promptly.
Thank you for your kind comments. Please report any issues with University PCs top staff at the level 1 customer service desk so the problems can be rectified promptly.
Luton Library - customer comments
Haven't seen the old one... new one seems cool though
The old library in F block no longer exists so I am glad you are enjoying the new library.
The old library in F block no longer exists so I am glad you are enjoying the new library.
Luton Library - customer comments lower ground floor
I absolutely love the -1 (lower ground floor) for the journals. Its such a shame that above the shelves there isn't enough light. I had to use a torch on my phone. Please can you improve the lighting above the shelves? Other than that do not change that room. It is lovely and so cosy.
Thank you for raising this issue. It was a teething problem in the early days of the new building. There is now improved signage to show where to switch on the lower ground floor lights out side the room.
Please remember that some of the lights are motion sensitive so you may need to move around every half an hour or so :)
Thank you for raising this issue. It was a teething problem in the early days of the new building. There is now improved signage to show where to switch on the lower ground floor lights out side the room.
Please remember that some of the lights are motion sensitive so you may need to move around every half an hour or so :)
Luton Library - customer comments appreciation
Great service! Thank you for providing us with useful essentials
So glad you're making good use of this resource
So glad you're making good use of this resource
Luton Library - customer comments appreciation
Its a lovely place to behold. The facilities I have used so far are great
I am glad you are enjoying this wonderful resource.
I am glad you are enjoying this wonderful resource.
Luton Library - customer comments self issue
I enjoyed the developed system to borrow books. That's really amazing thank you
Self service issue and returns helps reduce queuing. I am glad that you enjoy using these services.
Self service issue and returns helps reduce queuing. I am glad that you enjoy using these services.
Luton Library - customer comments silent study tables
Triangle desks in silent room are very small no space for books
The especially chosen, individual study tables are to reinforce the silence requirement in the designated rooms. There should be space either side of the PC or laptop for some books. If you can't fit all your books on the table space may I advise that you use a chair? I have never seen every study space in use in any of the silent study rooms so using the furniture available to you should help
The especially chosen, individual study tables are to reinforce the silence requirement in the designated rooms. There should be space either side of the PC or laptop for some books. If you can't fit all your books on the table space may I advise that you use a chair? I have never seen every study space in use in any of the silent study rooms so using the furniture available to you should help
Luton Library - customer comments temperature
Quite cold - doesn't lend itself to study
The library's building management system is set between 19 - 23 degrees centigrade. If staff get complaints about the temperature we measure it. So far nothing has fallen outside the 19 - 23 degree setting.
There will inevitably be colder pockets of the library than other spaces. Please move around until you find a spot you like after letting staff know which area you felt cold in.
The library's building management system is set between 19 - 23 degrees centigrade. If staff get complaints about the temperature we measure it. So far nothing has fallen outside the 19 - 23 degree setting.
There will inevitably be colder pockets of the library than other spaces. Please move around until you find a spot you like after letting staff know which area you felt cold in.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Referencing a web page
I would like to reference this website however I cannot find
the year or publishing date on it. How would I reference it if I cannot find
I’ve had a look and I can’t find a date/last updated
either. In this case you will need to reference as (no date). It
may be worth questioning how useful the undated information is as it may be out
of date and better information may be available.
Have you seen our help pages on the web?
Friday, 11 November 2016
UCMK Library
I feel the UCMK library is limited with regards to books relevant to my course. I live in MK (central) so coming to this campus is far more helpful when it comes to doing assignments. Therefore, I would request to get in more Early Years books.
Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. The library provision for the number of students at UCMK campus is exceptional. This does not mean that there isn't room for improvement.
May I suggest you make regular and heavy use of our:
Reservations service
Digital library
Special support and guidance is available to you via our web site subject guides
I hope that helps
Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. The library provision for the number of students at UCMK campus is exceptional. This does not mean that there isn't room for improvement.
May I suggest you make regular and heavy use of our:
Reservations service
Digital library
Special support and guidance is available to you via our web site subject guides
I hope that helps
I tried to make extension on online but couldn't get around
it. I will be grateful if you can extend them for me.
I am sorry I cannot help you Renewals is a self service facility
Please ring the automated line 01582 743262
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Mind Mapping
I am keen to use the Mind
mapping techinque. I have look on the Invisible university section of the
learning resources from UoB. I have followed the links to try to access the
software, which lead me to the "getting started page" -
No clear indication how I access the software,
when i click on the workshop timetable link, i geet the screenshot below:
Thank you for your enquiry
Some details are available on LRWeb
The links you followed took you into workshop details. The invisible library
does state “On campus PCs we have mind mapping software called Mind Genius
Mind Genius is available via an icon on the student desktop when you log
onto a University PC (at any campus)
We are in the process of installing a new version of the software. When
this happens you will be able to download a copy for use at home – while you
are a student of the University of Bedfordshire – from the library catalogue.
In the meantime I will send your details to our library development team and
they will send you a link so you can download your own copy.
Luton Library - level 3
Printer does not work and neither does computer internet - level 3
Thank you for raising your concerns.I do apologise for the inconvenience. I am sorry you have been experiencing problems with the printer on level 3. This has been reported and the engineer will attend as soon as possible. In the meantime there are printers on levels, 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6
Thank you for reporting that Wifi connectivity on level 3 is not adequate. This has also been reported to ICT and it will be attended to. Please take advantage of the desktop PCs in the meantime or try the WiFi on other floors
Thank you for raising your concerns.I do apologise for the inconvenience. I am sorry you have been experiencing problems with the printer on level 3. This has been reported and the engineer will attend as soon as possible. In the meantime there are printers on levels, 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6
Thank you for reporting that Wifi connectivity on level 3 is not adequate. This has also been reported to ICT and it will be attended to. Please take advantage of the desktop PCs in the meantime or try the WiFi on other floors
I am wondering if you can help me, I am currently trying to use discover to research for an assignment. The articles etc that it is bringing up are not related to my topic, so I inserted a couple of different words and it is bringing up the same results for everything that I enter. Could you tell me how to correct this please or when it will be corrected.
Your Academic Liaison Librarian Is happy to meet up with you to discuss search strategies
It may be a matter of the keywords used and how they are used within DISCOVER.
Online help for psychology students here
Advice on using DISCOVER here
Digital resources in your subject area
Te searching smarter section of the Invisible Library may also help
Your Academic Liaison Librarian Is happy to meet up with you to discuss search strategies
It may be a matter of the keywords used and how they are used within DISCOVER.
Online help for psychology students here
Advice on using DISCOVER here
Digital resources in your subject area
Te searching smarter section of the Invisible Library may also help
Monday, 7 November 2016
Luton Library - lower ground floor
Is it would be possible to –
To put up signs to tell students to put on the
lights before entering the room.
To tell students how to get into the room (by
scanning your ID, pull the door ,then push it to get in.)
Telling them that the lights may go out while
they are in there, so try to move around occasionally.
If possible could there be a photocopier down on
SSigns to put on the lights are now up
Door has now been fixed - if there are any problems please let staff on the Customer Service desk level 1 know
Finding the motion sensitive light message posters to go up as a reminder
We are looking into the possibility of a photocopier on the lower ground floor
SSigns to put on the lights are now up
Door has now been fixed - if there are any problems please let staff on the Customer Service desk level 1 know
Finding the motion sensitive light message posters to go up as a reminder
We are looking into the possibility of a photocopier on the lower ground floor
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