Some time i cant find computerany computer to work in the slient aarea and sometimes there are not enough copies of the books avaliable to browse. The book i am after could not be find online library which distressing.
Thank you for contacting me and letting me know the problems you are dealing with. if we don't know there's a problem we cannot put it right.Choosing you study environment is essential in trying to do your best work. I completely understand your choice to work in the Silent areas. May I therefore advise you to use Learning Resources' PC booking service so that you always have a PC for when you want to to work in the LRC?
Access to print books is always a stressor for students at peak times of the year around exams and dissertation hand ins. May I direct you to your reading lists so that any materials that have been identified by your department and are available digitally are available to you at any PC with an internet connection
The University of Bedfordshire is creating a wonderful range of digital resources to improve equity and wide ranging access for the university community. Unfortunately not every print item is available digitally. If you find that to be the case please inform your Academic Liaison Librarian (for advice and possile alternatives)
or you can Recommend a Resource (for purchase)