I am having quite an issue when it comes to eating in the library. I know it is not allowed, but I hardly doubt anybody respect that. Have you see how the library space look like? Pig stale. Computer desks are sticky, full of crumbs, keyboards are filthy. I am there most of the mornings early, and I see that cleaning staff is doing their maximum, but why nobody cares about eating students in the library: in silent areas? you get there and all you can here is eating crisps, fast food, and that smell of it...Why there are no consequences for breaking this rule so students will finally take it seriously? I am very disappointed.
Thank you for raising your concerns with me. First of all I apologise for the problems caused by this.
We take care to ensure that important matters such as this
are properly managed, although due to a University wide reduction in cleaning hours along with non compliance with Learning Resources Code of Practice on this occasion an acceptable standard has
clearly not been met.
Our Code of Practice clearly states
Food and drink, with the exception of non-alcoholic bottled cold drinks with secured lids and sweets, are not permitted in the University Library.
This is backed up by a poster campaign telling all LRC customers who are hungry to use the Social learning Space or the Campus Centre to eat. I will ensure the Learning Resources staff and the security teams are vigilant in approaching students who are eating on the library floor to go to the Social Learning Space or the Campus Centre.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know. We appreciate customers who let us know when things aren't right.