Friday, 30 January 2015

24/7 Poor behaviour

Poor behaviour when less people around

First of all I would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused by this problem.

We take care to ensure that important matters such as this are properly managed and dealt with. 

Levels 2 & 3 of the Luton LRC are silent floors and it may be advisable to study there out of staffed hours

Overnight the study environment is monitored by security. Please report your concerns to them.

24/7 Silent Floors

Can sometimes get noisy in quiet room meant for this purpose. This needs monitoring.

First of all I would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused by this problem.

We take care to ensure that important matters such as this are properly managed and dealt with. 

Levels 2 & 3 of the Luton LRC are silent floors. No amount of talking is acceptable. Phone conversations are supposed to take place on the landing outside the lifts. I appreciate that when library staff are on duty you can report noise problems directly. During staffed hours there are staff patrols approx every half hour and the area is electronically monitored for noise.

Overnight the study environment is monitored by security. Please report your concerns to them.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Post Graduate Document Supply

Please can I request the following article for my MED Ed MA project, thank you

As you’re a post graduate student you are eligible for the University’s Document Supply service.
Final year undergraduates  5 requests per academic year
Postgraduates20 requests per academic year
Researchers, Doctoral students and Staff 25 requests per academic year
Please look at the Document Supply information pages here

and associated pages

Fill out the form as advised (link on this page)
and install File Open. SED information here

Once you have sent your request keep an eye on your University email account and read the instructiojs about opening your requested document.

If you have any further questions please contact the Document Supply team

Wednesday, 28 January 2015


I wondered if it would be at all possible to have the program NVivo sent to me so I can download and install it onto my personal laptop. I appreciate that this may not be possible, but if so it would make completing the work easier for me as I could do it from home, rather than having to use the library/lab computers in the university

Thank you for your enquiry. Learning Resources does not manage access to Nvivo

Please contact Cherilyn Dance, as a researcher you are entitled to a University Licence for Nvivo.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Aylesbury Catering

Today I was attending a lecture in the oxford house aylesbury campus. I normally have lectures in luton but in my 3rd year half of the lectures are based in luton and half are based at aylesbury as half of my cohort of midwifery students are based in aylesbury. I was aware of the food card system but was unable to purchase one previously. Today I was told that I could not purchase one by university of bedfordshire reception staff as I was not based at aylesbury despite having half of my lectures at oxford house. I was unable to share a food card with anyone who did have one either. This left me hungry and cold as there was no hot drinks machine either, a feeling which was not conducive to my learning needs. It is appalling that I cannot eat or have a hot drink at a campus that I spend so much time on because of where the computer says I am meant to based. If this is not rectified soon I will be writing a complaint. 

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am sorry that your study day was made so uncomfortable through lack of food or a hot drink.

I regret to say that this was done in error by a new member of staff.

Unfortunately at that time Learning Resources staff were unable to catch up with you so could not rectify the error on the day. The next time you are at Aylesbury please be reassured that you are eligible to collect a Café Card.
The staff member has also been clearly briefed to avoid any confusion in the future so I hope this will not happen again.

Monday, 19 January 2015


I am a first year Language and Linguistics student. Is there any chance of getting a tabloid paper in the library eg replace broad sheet the Independent and getting the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, Woman's Own, Hello, The People's Friend or the Morning Star? Thanks

Thank you for your message.  Unfortunately we can’t swap subscriptions at the point in the academic year however you can access any newspaper publication online through our subscription to Newsbank which covers UK national newspapers.  (  From the first screen of Newsbank select the link ‘NewsBank Newspapers – U.K. and Ireland and then you can use the search boxes to search for articles on a particular topic or by using the drop down menus you can select a particular source e.g. the Daily Mail.  As with any of our databases you can use the left hand menu to refine your list of results further.
The Public Library also stocks a number of tabloid newspapers and popular magazines and I would advise you to visit to see if they can be of use to you.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Luton: Macs in Silent area

Please can you provide a few Macs in the Silent room?

Thank you for your enquiry. Luton has a very small number of Macs available in the LRC. They are kept on the 1st floor and the IT Suite

In order to maintain the study environment on the silent floor Learning Resources minimises the number of desk top PCs available on levels 2 & 3 at Luton LRC

We will look into swapping one of the PCs on the silent floor (level 2) for a MAC I will let you know when this has happened

Monday, 5 January 2015

Billed Status

I have been blocked access to books and journals.Please help me to solve this issue as I have a presentation assignment due

Thank you for your enquiry. I have checked your library account and yes it is blocked. To resolve this you need to either
Return two very overdue items
One taken out on: 15.10.14  due back on: 10.11.14 7 day loan. Sent 3 overdues (last one 15.12.14) book now in Billed Status
and the other taken out 12.10.14 due back 10.11.14 7 day loan Sent 3 overdues (last one 15.12.14) book now in Billed Status
Billed Items total £37.98 your library account is blocked ie no loans renewals or reservations and no access to the Digital Library
once the items are returned the bill will be reduced to a fine of £1.50


Pay for the Billed items as they are lost or missing

I hope that helps

External Customers

What are your opening hours?

Also is the Luton University LRC open to the public?

Thanks for your enquiry. Our opening times are here:

There is no walk in membership for members of the public. Access arrangements for external customers are here