Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Park Square - Opening Hours

I have had the greatest number of complaints received during one week on - virtually - the same thing for the first time ever. I have received 19 complaints regarding the opening hours during exam week. ie week beg: 24 May 2010. The request is for 24 hour opening.

During exam time the IT Suite is used for exams for one week. During this week the IT Suite is closed. This year that week was week beginning 24 May.

After Easter every year we have a period of extended opening to accommodate revision and dissertation writing. This year Park Square mirrored Polhill by having the extended opening: 19 April to 7 May. Although this was appreciated by many students a lot of students were disadvantaged by the IT Suite being closed for exams with normal LRC opening hours. Next year we will try to have the extended opening for the last weeks of May and to have the IT Suite open after the last exam of the day (but this may not be possible).

The University does not have the financial resources to allow 24 hour opening but having the IT Suite and Social Learning Space open until 2am does offer quite reasonable provision.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused we will try to address this next year.
