Introduction of alarms in the silent area
introduction of CCTVs
Thank you for your detailed and well thought out comments.
pcs: the LRC has over 300 pcs available for customer use during the majority of the year. During exam week (wk beg 24th May) when the IT Suite is closed the number of available pcs is more than halved. Inevitably this has an impact on available services but is only for one week. Most of the time we have more than enough pcs to meet customer need. If you wish to be sure of having a pc to work at why not book a pc - ask at the customer service desk. One hour or three hours slots are available to book. Staff will advise you which pcs are available for booking.
Alarms: much as I sympathise with your suggestion for the introduction of alarms to call security when noise levels get too high I am afraid they would be open to abuse. There would be a strong possibility of them becoming the "boy who cried wolf". I would suggest that if you find noise levels in the silent area (level 3) to be unacceptable that you report this to the security desk (on ground level - but there is a lift) and they will patrol and issue written warnings as appropriate.
CCTVs: CCTVs are already in place throughout the LRC. The footage may only be viewed in cases of serious breaches of security. Using it to monitor customer behaviour is not acceptable or desirable. Our customers are adults working in a learning institution after all. As advised above if you find noise levels in the silent area (level 3) to be unacceptable that you report this to the security desk (on ground level - but there is a lift) and they will patrol and issue written warnings as appropriate.