Friday, 24 July 2015

Assistive status

I have just received this letter regarding outstanding payment because of a book being overdue, I however have unlimited access to any books and can keep them for as long as i want due to Dyslexia.
I asked before I took any books out whether I had any limitations on this, for example having to return then retake a book out and was told there were none, therefore I will not be paying the fine.
I have received no notifications that the books are due back not have a revived a message to say I have to renew it.

I would appreciate someone to shed some light upon this.

 Thank you for your email. 
You state
I have unlimited access to any books and can keep them for as long as i want due to Dyslexia.

As an student with assistive status our policy states:
Assistive Customers are entitled to unlimited renewals (unless the item is requested by another customer). Fines will be waived but other associated sanctions will apply.

You need to renew the items you have on loan so they don't become overdue. If you forget to renew the items you have on loan and they become overdue you do not have to pay fines. BUT if the items are more than 5 weeks overdue they become Billed items and you will be sent a replacement bill. This is an "other associated sanction". This sanction should encourage you to return the overdue items. When you do this the bill will disappear and you will not have any outstanding fines.

All University communication goes to your University GoogleMail account

Please contact me if you have any further questions