Friday, 6 June 2014


WIFI - this is the worst connection in living memory. It drops out constantly, signal is week or specifically today (04/06/14) not there at all

I am sorry you have been experiencing problems. Thank you for taking the trouble to tell me about the problems you have been having with University WiFi. I understand how frustrating it must be for the connectivity not to live up to your expectations
The University has a cross Campus project to improve the WiFi connectivity at every Campus. None the less in high traffic areas with each individual having an average of 2 -4 WiFi dependent items, the University bandwidth is bound to struggle.
May I suggest that you move to slightly quieter area where the connectivity might be more consistent. Or use a University PC while you are on Campus or use Eduroam which should be a more stable connection.

Please report your problems directly to Learning Resources staff during staffed hours
Out of staffed hours either ring the Out of Hours help service NORMAN via the phone on the Customer Service desk (Bedford and Luton Campuses) or ring your usual Campus phone number to be put through to help off Campus