Tuesday, 27 October 2020


 You said

Please this book is one of the suggested reading book for my essay assignment but is not available online to read, can it be made available for me

We said

Thank you for your enquiry. Not every book available has an ebook equivalent. This is the case with the item on your reading list. I am sorry I cannot help you with your request.

How many books?

 You said

was just wondering how many books we were allowed. I have 6 to collect and when I went to add another it said to speak to library services

We said

Thank you for your enquiry. All the information you need is on our website






You may borrow up to 20 books at a time. You may reserve up to 6 items at a time

Friday, 16 October 2020

Open to guests?

 You said

I have a membership which expired and want to renew it 

We said:

Thank you for your enquiry. Due to the pandemic University of Bedfordshire libraries are closed to visitors at this time.

 We will review this in January 2021 so I would advise you to check on the library website in January for updates


Laptop loans

 You said: 

My laptop is broken and I can not work on it any more are there any laptops on loan from the library?

We said:

The pandemic laptop loan scheme ended when the University libraries re-opened. The libraries at Bedford and Luton are open 8.30 – 17.00 Monday – Friday there are desk top PCs and printers to use during those hours.

LRSE return to campus services have been restricted due to pandemic advice. There are no laptop loans at Luton Campus Library at this time

 Student Services laptop loan scheme

Students who are full time UG or PG studying at the University of Bedfordshire at Luton, Bedford, Aylesbury or Milton Keynes (not including LSC students) can apply for a laptop loan. The laptop can be loaned for up to 3 months for academic purposes to facilitate study and research only. Contact studentmoney@beds.ac.uk

Borrowed books in March

 You said:

I borrowed some library books back in March and wondered when I could bring them back

We said

Thank you for your email. Your books have been automatically renewed for the past 6 months to cover the closure period. If you are coming to campus please bring your library books with you and return them in the usual way


Bedford and Luton campus libraries are currently open

Monday – Friday 8.30 – 17.00

 We will be piloting a Saturday opening at both campuses 24 October 2020 to assess demand for weekend opening

Bedford 9.45 – 15.45

Luton 10.15 – 17.45

Books Due Back

 You said: 

I have a few books due back in next week. But I am having to self-isolate now due to being in contact with someone with Corona Virus. Sorry for inconvenience. Can they be re-issued to me when they are due, or what do you suggest?

We said:

Thank you for your email. I hope you have a gentle self-isolation and emerge COVID free

 Your library books should automatically renew themselves unless they get reserved by someone else.


Library Opening Hours

You said:  The library closing at 5pm is affecting my studying to a great extent. I do not finish work until 6.30pm I understand due to COVID but its greatly affecting students learning. I fear my grades are going to drop and its my final year. I can't consintrate at home

We replied: Thank you for your raising your concerns 

Bedford and Luton campus libraries are currently open

Monday – Friday 8.30 – 17.00

 We will be piloting a Saturday opening at both campuses 24 October 2020 to assess demand for weekend opening

Bedford 9.45 – 15.45

Luton 10.15 – 17.45

 Opening hours are reviewed weekly at the University’s Business Continuity Planning group (BCP) where demand and use is balanced against the current pandemic advice and locally set tier alert levels

Any enquiries about opening hours may be sent to sarah.arkle@beds.ac.uk

University community advised to check our website for the latest opening hours https://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/opening/