I am a masters student currently writing my
dissertation. I have searched discover, ebooks and learning resources for
the following book.
Families and Poverty: Everyday life on a low income by Kelly
Grace and Mary Daly (2015).
Thank you for your enquiry. As a masters student you are able to use the
University’s Document Supply service. There is all the information you need on
LRWeb. I have included some of the links below. Read as much as you can and
place your request (on the forms link – book request) then read some more. You
may need to set up a BL on Demand account to accept any future journal article
https://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/libraryservices/using-the-library/docsupply/document-supply-q-and-a all the red text paragraph heading are links
to PDFs please access them all