I am having difficulties in logging in to Wiley Online Library. I
go to login via my institution (uni of beds) and it then takes me to
a uni of beds page where I put in my student number and password. It
then takes me to the Wiley Online Library home page and doesn't say
anything about a failed login. However in the top right corner it still says
login/register (with a uni of beds logo next to it). And I'm still unable
to access any of the articles on Wiley.
Many thanks for your enquiry. I am sorry you are experiencing
difficulties may I ask how you are searching for this article? As a University
of Bedfordshire student you need to search via the Library catalogue or
DISCOVER you do not log in directly to Wiley.
Following the link you provided I note that the article is over 10 years
old from the journal and it does not appear to be part
of the University of Bedfordshire Wiley “bundle”.
I would advise you as a post graduate student to request this article
via the University’s Document Supply Service
An overview of the Document Supply service is found in a suite of pages
on our website please read as many as possible but particularly these two:
For speed make your request using the Journal Request link on this page
(using the details above – and more if you have them) please complete all
mandatory field
Then you must create a BL on demand account for yourself, details here
Articles will be sent to you using this account. If you request
materials directly from this account you are liable for the charges as the
university will not refund costs incurred in this way.
Check you University email account regularly
Receiving digital documents from BL On Demand
electronic link will be sent to your University email account . Clicking
on the link will download and allow you to print the article. You are advised
to download and save the article when you receive it..
electronic link to the SED will expire after 14 days whether you have opened it
or not.
What to do if you experience
problems with Secure Electronic Delivery
Email the Document supply team on: docsupply@beds.ac.uk
If you want to check to see if there are technical issues with our
digital access please check our Digital Library Blog