An introduction to DISCOVER is here.
Go straight to:
If you are off campus you will need to log in with your normal UoB username
and password
and search using Keywords, Titles or Authors
Make sure that in the "Refine your results" panel that the "Available in
the Library Collection" box is ticked.
If you wish to create an account to save your searches etc in the top red
menu bar there is a "Sign In" tab click on that
On the Sign In page click on the Create a New Account tab
Fill in the field and create your own account please do not use your UoB
username & password for this account. Make a note of the details. Click
"Save Changes"
If you have done all this and still can't log in go back to the Sign In
page. Under the log in button there's a
Forgot your password
Forgot your user name and password
click on one of those to see if you have the correct details.
If you are still having problems please come to the customer service desk
next time you are at Uni