Wednesday, 26 October 2011

You have few computer and some are out of service. The laptops are very temperamental and they are generally unusable. The study/reception is very noisy and there is nowhere to go to study in peace

Thank you for your comments regarding pc provision at Butterfield. As there is a finite amount of space at Butterfield we can only install as many pcs as there is space for. Inevitably (as on every campus) some pcs will be out of use in the short term if they have problems either with the hardware and software. When demand is high I appreciate that this is very frustrating. Every effort is made to keep all the pcs working properly.

I will bring your comments about the laptops to the attention of our Library Development team. It could be fluctuations in the wifi signal rather than the functionality of the laptops. it is difficult to comment without having a specific example.
There is no silent or even quiet study provision at Butterfield sadly, due to lack of space. I would encourage you to come into Luton to use the Park Square LRC
longer opening hours
nearly 300 pcs
levels 2 & 3 are designated Silent working areas
The University bus will bring you into Luton