Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BREO upgrade

I am a student at the University of Bedfordshire and was wondering how long BREO will be offline for on Sunday?

Thanks for your enquiry. I have been advised that BREO will be off line from the wee small hours of Saturday night/Sunday morning to Monday
ie  1am Sunday 30th June to 9am Monday 1 July 2013

The Teaching and Learning Team hope that BREO will be back before Monday 1st 9am but cannot guarantee it


My lecturer said we could pay library fines on line but I can't see how much I owe or where to pay. Any advice please?

 Thank you for your enquiry. You can check your library account at any time on-line here:

just log on with you usual University of Bedfordshire Registration Number and Password. You will see what you have on loan and if you owe any fines. You may renew books here too. 

I love your tutor's promotion of library services but I'm  sorry but there isn't an on-line payment route just yet. Please ring
01234 793189
and you can make a payment over the phone

I have tried to answer your questions as thoroughly as possible. If you need me to expand further or if I have missed anything out please get back to me.
Your course is supported by Janine Bhandol- Academic Liaison Librarian

she will help you by email or on a 121 basis with any research queries you may have.
Janine  has created support pages on LRWeb for your course and you may find these useful
If you’d like to take advantage of any of the training offered by Learning Resources check our What’s On page
This programme includes computer skills – you need an update/refresher our Computer Skills Training  team run workshops on a regular basis at Luton and Bedford Campuses
There is a series of on-line guides which may be helpful to you too:
Our Professional Academic Development team can help you with any writing or numeracy support you require. They also offer 121 appointments if you prefer

Monday, 24 June 2013


Please can you tell me how I pay my library fines?  I can't seem to find anywhere on BREO that says how to do it.  I was hoping to be able to do it on line to save a trip to Bedford.

Thanks for your enquiry. Please use the Learning Resources website for library related issues. There's a link on BREO or you can go direct to:

Regarding fine payment, I am sorry but there isn't an on-line payment route yet. Please ring
01234 793189
and you can make a payment over the phone

I have tried to answer your question as thoroughly as possible. If you need me to expand further or if I have missed anything out please get back to me.
Your course is supported by Alan Wheeler and Sally Fensome- Academic Liaison Librarians

they will help you by email or on a 121 basis with any research queries you may have.
Sally & Alan have created support pages on LRWeb for your course and you may find these useful
If you’d like to take advantage of any of the training offered by Learning Resources check our What’s On page
This programme includes computer skills – you need an update/refresher our Computer Skills Training (CST) team run workshops on a regular basis at Luton and Bedford Campuses
There is a series of on-line guides which may be helpful to you too:
Our Professional Academic Development (PAD) team can help you with any writing or numeracy support you require. They also offer 121 appointments if you prefer

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Opening Times - Bedford Library

What time does the Bedford campus library close on Thursday and open on Friday?

Thank you for your enquiry. Bedford Library's opening hours are on LR Web here:

The front page of LRWeb always has today's opening hours displayed

Bedford Library is 24/7 so it never closes

Friday, 7 June 2013

Document Supply

I am looking for:
Friedrich Kittler: "Gramophone, Film, Typewriter (Writing Science)"
But it's not in UoB library. Could you please help me order it from another Library?

Thank you for your enquiry. There are some information pages here http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/libraryservices/docsupply

And the order form is here:

If you'd like to have a read through the information then fill in the form you will have made the request.